
SHLIME: Foiling Adversarial Attacks Fooling LIME and SHAP

Python Adversarial ML XAI

This was a research replication project I worked on for a class. We replicated the paper "Fooling LIME and SHAP: Adversarial Attacks on Post hoc Explanation Methods". I primarily led understanding and presenting the mathematical ideas behind post-hoc explainer methods like LIME and SHAP and proposed our extension idea of combining the two methods to make a more resistant method. I developed and evaluated our proposed method.


A Sensitivity Analysis on ABBA: An Agent-Based Model of the Banking System

Agent Based Modeling Finance Netlogo

A sensitivity analysis on ABBA, a netlogo agent-based model developed by Jorge A. Chan-Lau that models the banking system. I investigated the sensitivity of bank credit and liquidity failure with respect to saver's withdrawl rates and recovered the common sense idea that higher withdrawl rates (lower liquidity) leads to greater liquidity failures. This basic fact helps validate the modeling strengths of ABBA.